Listing Locked Tables in SQL Server
Hello to everyone,
In this article, I will try to give information about listing locked tables in SQL Server.
In SQL Server you may want to list locked tables in some cases.
You can easily do this using the code below.
SELECT STR(request_session_id, 4, 0) AS spid,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), DB_NAME(resource_database_id)) AS db_name,
WHEN resource_database_id = DB_ID()
AND resource_type = 'OBJECT' THEN
CONVERT(CHAR(20), OBJECT_NAME(resource_associated_entity_id))
CONVERT(CHAR(20), resource_associated_entity_id)
END AS object,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), resource_type) AS resrc_type,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), request_type) AS req_type,
CONVERT(CHAR(1), request_mode) AS mode,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), request_status) AS status
FROM sys.dm_tran_locks
ORDER BY request_session_id,
You can get all locked tables listed by running the above code.
Good luck to everyone in business and life.