Category: Stored Procedures

Prime Number Checking Procedure in SQL Server

Hello everyone, In this article, I will give information about the prime number checking procedure in SQL Server. You can constantly improve yourself by making such examples in SQL Server. You can easily do this with the help of the code below. CREATE PROC IsNumberPrime @Number INT AS DECLARE @Counter...

Listing Files in Hard Disk in SQL Server

Hello everyone, In this article, I will give information about listing the files in the hard disk in SQL Server. In SQL Server, in some cases, it may be necessary to list the files in the hard disk. By using the code below, you can perform the listing of the...

Listing All Procedures in SQL Server

Hello to everyone, In this article, I will give information about how to list All Procedures in SQL Server. In SQL Server you may want to list all procedures in some cases. You can do this easily with the help of the code below. SELECT SPECIFIC_CATALOG, SPECIFIC_SCHEMA, SPECIFIC_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES...

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